Thursday, February 20, 2014


Dear [insert your name here],

I wish I knew a better way to start this...but this post is for you... Yes you. This post is for you because I know you're struggling. You know how I know that? Because everybody's struggling, because you're not alone. And I really want you to know that you're not alone. And no, I didn't just attend Be The Change. And no, this isn't about bullying and shit...well it kind of is. But if you're being bullied then freaking stand up for yourself and bitch slap them... Kay sorry. That's beside the point. The point is, you're beautiful and amazing and I don't EVER want you to forget that. The point is, it's okay if your hair is insanely curly or freakishly straight. The point is, it's okay if you don't wear designer jeans and it's okay if you do. The point is, it's okay if you don't play a sport or sing or dance or cheer or play chess. It's okay if you don't feel like you belong. Because I've been there. I've felt that and it's okay. Are you listening to me [insert name here] ?? Are you even still reading this? Because I wrote this letter for you. THE POINT IS, one day you will find your place, your calling, your nitch, your thang, whatever it is you kids are calling it these days, you will find it! You'll find those people that "get you" and you will love them unconditionally and they will never forget you, because you'll give them a reason to always want to remember you. And that's a whole different story. One day you'll find yourself and you'll always remember that day because it's wonderful. One day you'll realize YOU. ARE. WONDERFUL. And if nobody out there is rooting for you, I am. I'm on your side. I'm cheering for you. I'm the one sleeping under your bed. Ok...I'm not really, but you get the point. This letter is for you, [insert name here]. Hang in there champ. 

Daveni Rush


  1. I thought this was super good. I loved all of the "The point is..."

  2. (I don't really know if this is a bout 'bullying and shit' but like here is what I have to say.)

    I used to be bullied in Middle School and I didn't do anything about it and it was the worst thing in the entire world. And It wasn't until I found my niche that things got better. And I wish that I'd bitch slapped that mother fer all the way to china.

    What It all comes down to is that you have to realize that you are the better individual. Even if you haven't "found your place" or feel like you're "worthless," be who you want to be. Like Daveni says "YOU ARE WONDERFULL" No mater who you are and where you come from we are all unique! It's the beauty of human nature. And hey, I'll be on your side too, cheering along with everyone else.

    (Someone please tell me if I missed the mark or not. I just felt like I wanted to say I was here for you too, and that Daveni Rush is 100% SPEAKING THE TRUTH!)

  3. Ha ha. So you're the one under the bed...
